Champa by Red Flower

Imagine sitting in your very own secret garden, wrapped in a cashmere throw, and sipping a glass of your favorite buttery chardonnay. That’s what it feels like wearing Champa by Red Flower – complete relaxing bliss.

But that’s not how I felt at first.

Ever bought a perfume you had high hopes for, but ended up feeling lukewarm about? That’s how I felt about Champa by Red Flower. Then something changed, and now I love it!

What happened?

Before we get into that, here are some perfume deets.

Champa is an all-natural organic perfume made by Red Flower.  It comes in a 10mL roll-on, and a 125mL spray. It’s made from pure essential oils and certified organic plants.

I purchased the 10mL perfume oil from SkinCare RX. It shipped promptly and arrived in three business days. The packaging is a super cute rectangular box made from recycled materials. Opening the package revealed a beautifully decorated glass bottle, filled with deep golden colored oil. The roller ball is a smooth stainless steel which is a sophisticated touch.

Notes and Ingredients:

  • champa flower
  • jasmine grandiflorum oil
  • lime oil
  • mimosa oil
  • moroccan rose oil
  • osmanthus oil
  • pink grapefruit oil
  • safflower seed certified organic oil
  • tangerine oil

Champa is formulated to promote awareness, wisdom, and happiness.

And because the fragrance is made with only 100% all natural essential oils it has aromatherapy benefits as well. The scent is super calming and can be used to treat vertigo and headaches.

The Review

Champa is full bodied and addicting fragrance.  And no, it does not smell like your Nag Champa incense from college.Champa 15mL Perfume by Red Flower

When open the bottle you immediately get a whiff of a very captivating and unique scent. It opens very warmly and green, and you feel like you just entered an enchanted forest. At first sniff, you aren’t quite sure if you’re even going to like it as a perfume because it’s very different from traditional perfumes.

It smells like a memory captured in a bottle.

After about ten minutes it develops into a scent of rose rounded out by the sweetness of white flowers. After another five minutes, it settles into very soothing and relaxing aroma.

Because it is an essential oil blend it develops on the skin very quickly. It dries down into a soft feminine fragrance reminiscent of juicy apricots that gently caresses your skin.

My only gripe with Champa is that is don’t last long enough. It’s like a quick hello and goodbye. It doesn’t give you a chance to really enjoy what it has to offer. And the die down, although very pretty, it’s also very light so you can’t really detect it unless you get right up on it. But perhaps that is part of the allure. It is an unexpected scent that is like a gift offering to anyone who gets close enough to experience it.

But even with that, I wasn’t satisfied. I had to apply it multiple times during the day, and I could see this fragrance running out very quickly. So, I was on the fence. I really liked it, but it left me wanting more.

Then something changed…

So, when I first purchased Champa it was during the peak of summer. And of course fragrances don’t last very long in intense heat anyway – strike one.

Plus since it was summer time, I longed to feel cool and refreshed, not warm and snuggly – strike two.

However, there was one evening when the temperature dropped to like 75 degrees F.  So, I decided to give Champa another go round. And it was lovely! I am now an official fan of this beautiful perfume.


Now that I know not to wear it when it’s over 90 degrees F, I get a lot more wear out of it. Because it is an essential oil blend it isn’t going to last as long as a synthetic, and I’m okay with that. As for its longevity, I now get a good four hours out of this. For me, that’s long enough to get through an evening dinner, make my way back home, and get a calming sniff in before drifting off to sleep. And if I need to reapply – I do.

The scent is not too soft and not too strong. So, it won’t be overwhelming in a crowd. Additionally, both the sillage and projection is little to non-existent, making this a very intimate skin scent.

Perfect for all you confident introverts out there.

When And How To Wear

I recommend wearing Champa in the spring and fall. It is for someone comfortable in their own skin, and not afraid to smell unique. I get a lot of compliments from men when I wear Red Flower perfumes. You smell unforgettable without being able to put your finger on it.

I apply Champa to my wrists, neck and pulse points.

I love applying perfume oils because it feels super sensual like you’re anointing your body.

Because the Champa 10mL roll-on comes in such a discrete little bottle it’s perfect to throw in your purse, and use as a personal pick me up. This would also make a great work fragrance because of is low sillage and projection. And if you want to fall asleep in your very own secret garden, anoint your wrists and pulse points with Champa for sweet dreams.

Where To Buy

The 10mL roll-on retails between $48-$52 USD. And the 15mL spray retails for $186 USD. You can purchase yours at SkinCare RX, or

Red Flower products are beautiful and all natural, so you should definitely check them out.

If you’ve tried Champa by Red Flower, let us know your thoughts in the comments.  And if you know someone thinking about buying Champa, go on and share this review using the social buttons below.

Until next time…

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